Up-to-date evidence-based information on emerging vaccines in pregnancy and childhood

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A regularly updated, comprehensive database and synthesis of published literature related to COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy through a living systematic review and meta-analyses.

Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-008443)
Isla del Sol is an island in the southern part of Lake Titicaca. It is part of the modern Plurinational State of  Bolivia. Geographically, the terrain is harsh; it is a rocky, hilly island. There are no motor vehicles or paved  roads on the island. The main economic activity of the approximately 800 families on the island is farming, with  fishing and tourism augmenting the subsistence economy. Of the several villages, Yumani and Cha'llapampa are the  largest.There are over 80 ruins on the island. Most of these date to the Inca period circa the 15h century AD.  Archaeologists have discovered evidence that people lived on the island as far back as the third millennium BCE.  Many hills on the island contain agricultural terraces, which adapt steep and rocky terrain to agriculture. Among  the ruins on the island are the Sacred Rock, a labyrinth-like building called Chicana, Kasa Pata, and Pilco Kaima.  In the religion of the Incas, it was believed that the sun god was born here.http://bem.2be.pl/IS/bolivia_380.jpg

A continuously updated, thorough compilation and analysis of published and unpublished literature concerning Chikungunya vaccines during pregnancy and childhood through a living systematic review and meta-analyses.

Supported by the Safety Platform for Emergency vACcines (SPEAC), Task Force for Global Health, Inc. – The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

An ongoing, comprehensive collection and examination of published and unpublished literature on Chikungunya vaccines during pregnancy and childhood, with regular updates through a living systematic review and meta-analyses.

Supported by the Safety Platform for Emergency vACcines (SPEAC), Task Force for Global Health, Inc. – The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Disease X is the name given by scientists to an unknown pathogen that could emerge in future and cause a serious international epidemic or pandemic. Disease X is included in the WHO’s updated Blueprint list of diseases for which investing in research and development should be an international
priority. It is also a priority for CEPI’s research and development investments.

Our living systematic review will provide up-to-date information on platforms and components
of vaccines used in pregnancy and childhood which could potentially be adapted to develop
new vaccines against Disease X. We will also be ready to rapidly deploy a living systematic
review of future vaccines against Disease X to protect pregnant people and children.

Get In Touch with Us

Andrea Meyer

Director of Global Health Research